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Starting January 1, 2024, employers in several states are implementing new laws regarding time off for employees. For example, in Minnesota, employers must provide paid leave under the earned sick and safe time law. Those working at least 80 hours in a year within the state—including part-time employees—are eligible for the benefit. An employee now earns a guaranteed 1 hour of paid sick time for every 30 hours worked up to a maximum of 48 paid hours each year. Another law enacted in Illinois requires 40 hours of paid leave in a 12 month period. In Colorado, the Family & Medical Leave Insurance program approved by voters will go into effect, replacing a portion of workers’ wages who are on leave for childbirth, adoption, serious health conditions, and more.

Ahead of the game: Several states, counties, and municipalities have similar laws, and many employers may already exceed their respective local laws’ requirements. For urgent care operators, paid time off is an expected benefit in today’s competitive recruiting environment. However, any new rule has the potential to affect the existing procedures for carrying over unused time, forfeiture, and accrual of time off. Leaders are encouraged to implement procedures and communicate those changes to employees.

State Laws Guarantee PTO for Employees In 2024
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