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The dog days of summer are all the more brutal for the seasonal workers lugging tourists’ bags, sitting in the sun at the top of the water slide, and keeping the greens green on the golf course. Many of them may even be away from home and staying in employee housing. Where will they turn when they need immediate care? Your urgent care center would be a great place to start—provided you’ve laid the groundwork by ensuring employers know where you are and the breadth of services you offer. Whether you establish an occupational medicine-type agreement with resorts and amusement parks, set up a meeting with hotel HR managers and municipal departments of public works, or supply your local landscapers with brochures, make sure the residents who do the hiring think of your location first when their workers need to see a provider today. And remember: word will spread among the year-round workers and staff, too, offering additional opportunities to build a consistent base of patients year-round.

Seasonal Workers Need Urgent Care, Too
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