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Two months after the Change Healthcare cyberattack upended payments to a large percentage of the nation’s healthcare providers, organizations say they’re still suffering from the fallout, both financially and logistically, according to Kaiser Health News. Change parent company UnitedHealth Group indicated during a shareholder call on Tuesday, however, that business is largely back to normal, and its chief financial officer said that the company expects full operations to resume next year. The hacking has cost UnitedHealth $870 million, expected to rise to at least $1 billion by the end of 2024. Providers aren’t convinced that things are back to normal, and continue to devote resources to manual data entry, claims process workarounds, and long waits for reimbursement, according to the news report.

Not so fast: The hackers who accessed Change Healthcare’s IT systems reportedly gained entry and were undetected for at least 9 days before the ransomware attack, according to Becker’s Hospital Review.

Providers Still Not Back to Normal After Change Cyberattack