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You know that complete vaccination, including a full two-dose regimen plus a booster shot, offers excellent protection against COVID-19 infection. You’re also aware that recovering from the virus leaves patients with protection from natural antibodies. Now there’s research suggesting that vaccinated patients who experience and recover from breakthrough cases may have the best protection man and nature can provide. The authors of a Research Letter published by the Journal of the American Medical Association wrote that such patients experience “substantial boosting of humoral immunity” in the wake of infection. While the data are promising, given the fact that breakthrough cases are occurring more frequently than ever, the conclusions are drawn from a relatively small pool of participants—26 healthcare workers at the Oregon Health & Science University. Further, the research was conducted between January 31, 2021, and August 18, 2021, before spread of the Omicron variant.

New Data May Reveal Who Really Has Optimal Protection Against COVID-19