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Regular readers of JUCM News (or any local or national mainstream news source) know that the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases has been rising for years—to the extent that there were 2.4 million new infections last year alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cases of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia are at all-time highs, and the CDC says it’s concerned about an increase in the number of newborn babies who have syphilis. Messages on prevention seem to have fallen on deaf ears, largely, so urgent care providers are advised to be especially vigilant in probing patients who are sexually active and not in a monogamous relationship. Consider counseling on the effectiveness of condoms in reducing risk, as well. We’ve covered this issue in the journal, as well. For more on the subject from an urgent care perspective, read Syphilis in the Urgent Care Center and STDs: Assessment and Treatment in Urgent Care in the JUCM archive.

Despite Publicity and More Attention from Providers, STDs Keep Climbing