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School’s out (or about to be), the days are long, and workers are counting the days until their summer vacation. It’s all fun and games until someone has to go to urgent care. At that point, you and your team need to be prepared for a different slate of illness and injury than you’ve been seeing since last fall began. Slip-and-fall injuries and flu will largely be replaced with bites, rashes, the ill effects of too much heat, and injuries related to water sports. At the more extreme end of the spectrum, you may even see nonfatal drownings. JUCM has published articles on all these topics—and now would be an ideal time to review them to ensure you’re not missing anything before the crises occur. Read Evaluation of Nonfatal Drowning in Urgent Care, Urgent Care Diagnosis and Management of Tick-Borne Diseases, and Top 5 Wilderness Presentations for the Urgent Care Provider for starters.

As the Season Turns, so Does the Look of Your Patients’ Complaints. Are You Prepared?