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A patient Googles “urgent care near me” and sees your location among the top three results. Even better, they see that your center is on their way home and open until 8. And yet, when they get to your place at 7:25 they find the posted hours say you closed at 7. Here’s the problem in this hypothetical—but very real life—scenario: Even if your website is up to date web crawlers can still “find” and display a previous iteration that might include outdated hours or a previous address, costing you the chance to acquaint a new patient with the great services you have to offer. Spending just a few minutes online searching for information on your own business can help you assure patients are getting the right information. If what you’re seeing doesn’t reflect your current hours of operation or address, it may be because an out-of-date page is still buried in the depths of your URL and needs to be scrubbed.

Want Patients to Know When and Where to Find You? Make Sure You’re Up to Date on Your Web Presence