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Ripple effects of the recent federal debt ceiling haggling could have significant effects on public health departments’ ability to test and treat patients for possible sexually transmitted infections, according to a report from CNN. All told, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expects to lose approximately $1.3 billion in funding, according to the report, with local health outreach programs, including those related to STIs, expected to take an especially heavy hit. Given the already dire prospects for curbing exploding cases of numerous STIs across the United States, it’s likely urgent care will be an even more likely destination for such patients than ever before. JUCM has devoted significant resources to keeping the urgent care community up to speed on current approaches to STIs in patients presenting to UC. To catch up on the most recent offerings, check out More STI Patients May Be Heading Your Way. Are You Up to Date on the Guidelines? through the webinar archive page and read The Rising Importance of Urgent Care in the Fight Against the STI Epidemic in our archive.

Urgent Care Could Be seeing Even More STI Patients Thanks to Federal Budget Cuts. Are You Ready?