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The Urgent Care Association may have been forced to cancel its annual convention due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it has repurposed the time and energy that would have gone in that direction to produce a range of support materials for its constituency. On the business side, UCA asked its policy consultant, Camille Bonta, MHS to share a summary of recent legislation and regulatory changes that could be helpful to urgent care centers; Staying Afloat During COVID-19: Resources for Urgent Care Centers is available for viewing on YouTube. The Association has also created a COVID Resources page that pools links to CDC resources, UCA’s own resources, and educational pieces from Hippo. Finally, UCA has a full menu of recorded webinars such as COVID-19: What Urgent Cares Need to Know Now about Adding Telemedicine and COVID-19: The Role of Urgent Care in a Pandemic on its website. To see the entire menu and access those resources, click here.

UCA Is Amassing Resources to Support Urgent Care Providers in Fighting COVID-19