Abstracts in Urgent Care: December, 2013

Long-term survival following pneumococcal pneumonia Key point: Pneumococcal pneumonia foretold considerably higher  10-year  mortality  than the expected rate. Citation: Sandvall B, Rueda AM, Musher DM. Long-term sur- vival following pneumococcal pneumonia. Clin Infect Dis. 2013;56(8):1145-1146. Before antibiotics, pneumonia was called “the old man’s friend” for carrying the old and infirm to a swift and relatively painless death. Now that short-term survival after pneumonia is the rule, does the disease provide any long-term prognostic information? Veterans …

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Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Urgent Care

Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Urgent Care

Urgent message: Clinical evaluation that includes pretest probability tools and judicious use of diagnostic tests is a requirement for patients who present in the urgent care setting with symptoms suggestive of VTE. MELVIN LEE, MD, CCFP, RMC   Early diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is important to prevent the morbidity and mortality associated with it.Introduction VTE is subdivided into pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). DVT is most common in lower extremities. Those involving …

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