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“To everything there is a season,” according to Solomon. He may not have had allergic reactions to spring flora or acute exacerbations of asthma in mind, but he had a point that applies to urgent care centers—and one that will resonate with potential patients. Tower Health, which has urgent care locations throughout Pennsylvania and Delaware, recognized the value of that message and incorporated it into a seasonal online promotional campaign. In taking a patient-education approach that explains a bit about allergic rhinitis, as well as other common seasonal complaints like itchy, watery eyes; irritation to the ear canals; sinus pressure; and wheezing, Tower establishes its providers as experts in addressing symptoms many of those readers may already have. Further, it invites prospective patients to “learn more about Tower Health Urgent Care and all the services offered” by visiting The first thing the person sees once they land on the homepage is a smiling clinician and big bold letters proclaiming “Open 365 Days a Year, with Care from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.” As the image changes, other sound-bite size messages promise “Quality Care Without the Wait” and “Walk-In Care for Colds and Flu”—in short, answering some of the most common questions before they’re asked. Consider what potential health concerns springtime (or any season) is likely to bring to your patients, and put out the word that you’re ready and able to help. Make it easy for patients to know your capabilities, and how to find you, and everybody wins.

Spring Into Seasonal Promotions