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In October, we offered a glimpse at the operating hours of pediatric urgent care centers around the country. We also promised to share more on that growing segment of the urgent care marketplace—and this month we’re following through on that.

The data below are drawn from a sample of 35 U.S. pediatric urgent care centers, and are part of a larger pool that we expect to be the subject of an expansive article in a future issue of JUCM. 

Median throughput time: 75 minutes, door to discharge 
Providers on staff: 2–3 
Patients/provider/hour: 2
Patients per year (average): Just under 30,000
Transfer rate: 2% (IQR 1.0–2.5)

Procedures Commonly—and Uncommonly—Performed in Pediatric Urgent Care Centers
Common procedures Uncommon procedures
·     Nursemaid reductions
·     Splinting
·     Simple suturing/staples/medical glue
·     Foreign body removal
·     Incision & drainage
·     Trephination
·     Fluorescein eye staining
·     Multilayer suturing
·     Moderate sedations
·     G-tube replacement
·     Reduction of non–nursemaid dislocations

Data courtesy of Amanda Montalbano, MD, MPH, Children’s Mercy Urgent Care East, Independence, MO

A Snapshot of Pediatric Urgent Care Operations