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Every business—universally, in every field—survives on its ability to draw the right customers. For healthcare professionals, that means patients. In this age of on-demand service and walk-in appointments, more than at any other time, providers are also called upon to be astute marketers who know how to help patients find them when they need care.

Making the effort doesn’t always assure success, however. So, it may be helpful to know that there are new, independent data giving us some idea of how the patient chooses healthcare providers. The 2017 Patient Access Journey Report from Kyruus reflects the views of 1,000 patients who reported searching for a healthcare provider within the past 2 years. Consider what it reveals when strategizing how to bring more new patients into your urgent care center. It’s interesting to note there are disparities between what respondents reported as their preferred methods and how they actually ended up fining a provider.

How Patients Find a Healthcare Professional
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