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According to new data analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), patterns in nonfatal and fatal falls among those age 65 and older vary not only by sex but also by the state in which the person lives. An analysis of 2020 data demonstrated that 14 million older adults had fallen during the previous year. More women (28.9%) reported falling than men (26.1%), and the percentage of older adults who had fallen was highest in Alaska (38.0%) and lowest in Illinois (19.9%), based on the analysis. Additionally, in 2021, unintentional falls resulted in the deaths of 38,742 older adults. The agency’s Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries initiative recommends screening and interventions such physical therapy, home modification, and medication management.

It’s more than a slip and fall situation: Even seemingly minor falls can lead to significant injury for older adults. Consider whether falls might be associated with an underlying medical condition. It’s critical for urgent care teams to distinguish which patients can be appropriately treated in the urgent care setting and which should be referred to a higher level of care.

Learn more from the JUCM archive: Urgent Care Management of Geriatric Falls

Older Women Experience More Falls Than Men