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The COVID-19 pandemic forced every institution we take for granted to discover new ways of doing things that would not only be safe, but also allow operations to proceed as “normally” as possible. Besides trying to keep the workforce safe, childcare became a serious issue as kids learned from their bedrooms instead of in their schoolrooms for months (or longer). Some industries found this easier than others; accountants might be able to thrive from a home office but what was a construction worker supposed to do? An article published by the journal People Management points out that it might not be so easy to get workers who’ve become accustomed to working without a commute (or even having to get dressed properly unless there’s a Zoom call) back into their cubicles. Then there’s the prospect that the course of the pandemic—which is encouraging as of this writing—could change and employers would be forced to maintain either a remote or a hybrid workforce. What does that even mean for an urgent care operator, though? This question was given thorough analysis in an article just published in the June issue of JUCM. You can read What Does a Hybrid Workforce Look Like for Urgent Care? online right now.

Employers—Including Urgent Care Operators—Have Tough Choices Ahead Post Pandemic