A 20-Year-Old Female with Weakness, Vomiting, and a History of Alcohol Abuse

A 20-Year-Old Female with Weakness, Vomiting, and a History of Alcohol Abuse

The patient is a 20-year-old female who presents complaining of 1 day of generalized weakness and vomiting. She has a history of alcohol abuse and denies chest pain, shortness of breath, lower extremity swelling, fevers, chills, or any infectious symptoms. View the ECG taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.

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A 33-Year-Old with New, Painful ‘Lumps’ on Her Legs

A 33-Year-Old with New, Painful ‘Lumps’ on Her Legs

A 33-year-old female presents with painful “lumps” on her legs that developed over the past few days. She decided to seek care when some of them began to drain pus.  She had no trauma and feels well. Her past medical history is significant for type 2 diabetes mellitus. On examination she is afebrile, with scattered tender nodules, some with purulent drainage, on the legs. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next …

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A 52-Year-Old Male with Shortness of Breath and a History of Multiple Cardiologic Issues

A 52-Year-Old Male with Shortness of Breath and a History of Multiple Cardiologic Issues

A 52-year-old male with a history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and recent myocardial infarction (1 month ago) presents to urgent care with shortness of breath for the past week. He denies fever, chest pain, or cough. On examination, the patient is breathing comfortably and saturating well on ambient air. Review the ECG taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the following page.

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A 7-Year-Old Boy with New Facial Rash

A 7-Year-Old Boy with New Facial Rash

A woman brings her 7-year-old son to the urgent care center with a rash that had developed “over the past few weeks.” On examination, there are smooth, pink papules around the mouth. The mother reports that the patient has a history of asthma, for which he uses inhalation budesonide daily as maintenance therapy. Otherwise he is healthy, has no systemic symptoms, and is well-appearing. View the photo taken and consider what your diagnosis and next …

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A 41-Year-Old Woman with a History of SLE and Sudden-Onset Sores on Her Limbs

A 41-Year-Old Woman with a History of SLE and Sudden-Onset Sores on Her Limbs

A 41-year-old woman with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus presents for evaluation of painful areas that had developed on her upper, outer arms and lateral thighs over the past month. She reports that while the affected areas were initially smooth, some had begun to ulcerate. View the photo taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be.

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A 79-Year-Old Male with Left Shoulder Pain and a History of Hypertension and CAD

A 79-Year-Old Male with Left Shoulder Pain and a History of Hypertension and CAD

A 79-year-old male with past medical history of hypertension and coronary artery disease presents to urgent care with left shoulder pain that is worse with movement. He reports intermittent nausea and vomiting, but denies dizziness, chest pain, shortness of breath, or history of trauma. View the ECG taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is described on the next page.

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