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A Legionnaires’ disease outbreak in Grand Rapids, Minnesota—a city with a population of 11,000—has been linked to the area’s municipal water system, according to officials. Water samples from 2 buildings in Grand Rapids tested positive for Legionella and matched the bacteria from patient respiratory samples. The public utilities water supply is not chlorinated, and officials say installing a chlorination system to treat the water “is being looked into.” Of the 14 cases associated with the outbreak, all have been adults, 11 of which have required hospitalization for their illness. To date, no deaths have been associated with the outbreak.

What patients may experience: Symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, fever, muscle aches, and headaches. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers resources for clinicians to assist in the diagnosis of this often under-recognized condition: Legionnaires’ Disease For Clinicians

City Water the Source of a Legionnaires’ Outbreak
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