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The risks of heading off to work on site during the COVID-19 pandemic vary greatly according to the nature of the workplace. Healthcare workers know this all too well. As people start traveling more, though, airports are likely to be another high-risk environment. Dignity Health–GoHealth is addressing that risk by placing a testing center at San Francisco International Airport. They began a little over a month by testing airline flight crews and have now opened up the center, which is located outside the terminal proper, for everyone who works at SFO. The company promises results in less than an hour and offers the test by reservation between 8 am and 6 pm. Not every urgent care operator is located near a busy international airport (or has the resources to mount such an initiative). However, it’s likely there are businesses big and small in your area who could use your support in ensuring their workforce stays healthy enough to be productive. Consider approaching them to support their efforts to keep business running during this challenging time.

Can Urgent Care Be the Solution to Reduce COVID-19 Spread in High-Risk Environments?