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Healthcare professionals in general—with urgent care providers prominent among them—are prone to burn out due to the never-ending responsibility for their patients’ health while also having to keep up with the demands of coding, compliance, updates in practice standards imposed by the state and employers…. And certainly things have not been made better by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just how bad things have deteriorated was made evident in a report issued by Augmedix. Taking a review-article approach, the paper reveals that 93% of 1,110 healthcare workers surveyed reported “experiencing stress” specifically due to the pandemic, with 86% also suffering anxiety, 82% emotional exhaustion, and 76% acknowledging that they were experiencing physical exhaustion and burnout. The possible implications for diminished patient safety, job satisfaction, and morale are obvious, but the situation is not without hope. The data confirm what was explained from an urgent care-specific approach in an article JUCM published not long ago. It also offers possible solutions to support your team. You can read The Covid-19 Pandemic Is Making Burnout Worse for Physicians Already in Crisis in our archive right now.

Already a Problem Before the Pandemic, Burnout May Be Reaching Crisis Proportions