A 43-Year-Old Woman with a New Ulcer on One Hand

A 43-Year-Old Woman with a New Ulcer on One Hand

A 43-year-old woman presents with 2 weeks of a smooth nodule on her right hand. The patient denies recent travel but recalls that she “banged up” her hand while cleaning out a fresh-water fish tank prior to noticing the nodule. Past medical history is significant for renal transplantation. Exam reveals a tender, erythematous plaque with an ulcer on dorsal aspect of her hand.               View the image and consider what your diagnosis and next steps …

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76-year-old woman with sudden ulcers on roof of mouth

76-year-old woman with sudden ulcers on roof of mouth

The patient is a 76-year-old woman with a one-day history of multiple painful ulcers, with general erythema on the mucosa of the left side of the hard palate of her mouth. On examination, you find that they stop at the midline of the palate. There are no other remarkable findings, but upon questioning the patient reveals a three-day history of fevers and general aches. View the photo and consider what your next steps would be.

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