53-Year-Old With Spreading Rash

53-Year-Old With Spreading Rash

A 53-year-old man presents to urgent care concerned about a spreading rash underneath his arms for the past 3 weeks. He initially thought it was an allergic reaction to a new deodorant, but the rash persisted after stopping the deodorant. The rash is not itchy. The patient has a history of type 2 diabetes. On examination, a broad, well-demarcated, thin, scaly plaque is seen extending from the lateral chest over the axilla to the upper …

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17-year-old male with quickly spreading rash

17-year-old male with quickly spreading rash

The patient is a 17-year-old male who awoke with intensely itchy scattered vesicles over his arms, face, and legs the day after returning from a camping trip. Additionally, his right eye was edematous and nearly swollen closed. He reported that over the course of the day, the rash seemed to get worse and spread to more areas on his body. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis would be.

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