Supine Blood Pressure Reading Has Advantages

Supine Blood Pressure Reading Has Advantages

Preliminary research presented by the American Heart Association at its hypertension scientific sessions this week in Boston suggests that measuring blood pressure while a person is lying down may be a better predictor of heart health than typical readings when a patient is sitting. Researchers analyzed data from a long-running study and found that supine blood pressure readings were more effective at predicting strokes, serious heart issues, and by comparison. The study’s 11,369 participants were …

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Managing Heat Illness in Urgent Care

Managing Heat Illness in Urgent Care

Urgent message: The urgent care provider’s most critical role in heat illness is to identify risk factors and the cause, to cool and hydrate the patient, assess for complications, and educate the patient in the hope of preventing a more serious exposure. Bridget Dyer, MD, Samuel Keim, MD, and Peter Rosen, MD Heat illness occurs when external heat conditions and internal heat production overwhelm the ability of the body to dissipate heat. Evaporation of sweat …

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