A 28-Year-Old with Foot Pain After a Fall

A 28-Year-Old with Foot Pain After a Fall

The patient is a 28-year-old female who presents with pain in her left foot after a fall of roughly 10 feet while rock-climbing. She reports that she “landed hard” with the left foot taking the full force of the impact. On exam, she had left midfoot dorsal and plantar tenderness and bruising across top of foot. View the image taken and consider what your diagnosis and next steps would be. Resolution of the case is …

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Foot Injury in a Weekend Warrior

Foot Injury in a Weekend Warrior

A 46-year-old weekend warrior presents to an urgent care center 3 hours after injuring his right ankle and foot while playing basketball. He reports moderate to severe pain over the lateral side of the ankle and foot, which started after he jumped for a rebound and came down on the foot while it was in plantar flexion and inverted. However, he can walk. He reports no paresthesia or pain at the midfoot or proximal fibula, …

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