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Data from the 2014 Urgent Care Chart Survey of 1,778,075 annual visits by patients to more than 800 different U.S. urgent care clinics, conducted by the Journal of Urgent Care Medicine, reveal that the busiest months of 2014 for patient visits were, in descending order:

  • January, with 9.7% of all visits
  • May, with 9.6% of all visits
  • March, with 9.5% of all visits
  • April and December, each with 9.1% of all visits

The survey’s methodology and data abstraction forms were initially designed in 2008 by researcher Robin M. Weinick, PhD, then an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School and a senior scientist at the Institute for Health Policy at Massachusetts
General Hospital, and now associate director of RAND Health. PERCENTAGE

Percentage of Annual Patient Visits by Month