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Diagnosis: Intra-articular distal phalanx fracture. Part of the fragment can be seen in the soft tissue overlying the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint as the flexor profundus tendon retracted into the patient’s palm (lower arrow in right image).

A jersey finger results when the distal interphalangeal joint is forcefully extended from the flexed position, as when an athlete grabs an opponent’s jersey. The flexor profundus tendon ruptures and retracts into the hand, often with an intra-articular distal phalanx fracture of the volar side. Patients frequently report pain or a “ball” sensation in the palm. The index finger is most commonly involved but any finger can be affected. A subtle flexion deformity may be noted on inspection, and the patient will be unable to flex the distal phalanx when the PIP is extended. Contractures can occur in untreated patients. The patient should be placed in a volar splint in position of function and referred to a specialist for urgent surgical repair.


55-year-old woman with injury to her right finger
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