Q. What will be the impact of use of the new HCPCS modifiers related to modifier -59 beginning January 1, 2015? A. CMS recently announced the creation of four new HCPCS modifiers that will further refine modifier -59, “Distinct procedural service.” According to CMS, modifier -59 is the most widely used modifier, and it is being used inappropriately in most cases. Adding modifier -59 indicates that a code represents a service that is separate and …
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October 2014
DME, Benign Lesion Excision, Urgent Care Codes
Q. We currently provide DME to our patients as a courtesy to them and then bill their insurance. We generally get paid by most private insurances, but not by Medicare. Our billing department claims Medicare will never pay for any DME we provide because we are not a DME provider licensed with Medicare. If our billing department is correct, would it be compliant to give DME prescriptions to all patients 65 and over? A. I …
Read MoreUrgent care codes, E/M Guidelines, ICD-10
Q. Is there a defined set of diagnosis codes for urgent care services and is there a diagnosis code that indicates the services were urgent? A. All facilities use the same set of ICD-9 codes to report the patient’s diagnosis. There are no diagnosis codes to represent urgent care services, but there are certain procedure codes you can use to indicate that services were rendered in an urgent care clinic and also procedure codes to …
Read MoreModifier -25 and Urgent Care Codes
DAVID STERN, MD (Practice Velocity) Q. Can a patient be billed for an E/M code and an ultrasound procedure such as 93970, “Duplex scan of extremity veins including responses to compression and other maneuvers; complete bilateral study” during the same visit when both the scan and the E/M visit were performed by the same provider? A. If during an office visit it is determined that the ultrasound procedure needs to be performed on the same …
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