Income Tax Liability from Phantom Income

Urgent message: How physician and entrepreneur investors structure their urgent care center may expose them to an income tax liability from phantom income, but there are steps they can take to ensure there are sufficient funds to cover it. Introduction Income taxes are one of life’s certainties for most working Americans. Typically, however, income taxes are paid only on cash received during the course of a year. For example, a Form W-2 received by an …

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No Appointment Needed: The Resurgence of Urgent Care Centers in the United States

No Appointment Needed: The Resurgence of Urgent Care Centers in the United States

Urgent message: A new report from the California Health Care Foundation, excerpted here, examines how the growth of urgent care is influencing delivery of healthcare—and what the prospects for the future of the industry might be. Prepared for the California HealthCare Foundation by Robin M. Weinick, PhD and Renée M. Betancourt, BA The days of having a family doctor in town who cared for all of a patient’s health needs are long gone. In their …

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